Road Trip - Combined Leisure and Work Trip - July 2018
3,649.9 Total Miles Traveled For This Trip
The Leisure to Work Map: Home to Austin TX Segment - Google Hybrid and Terrain Maps
The Leisure to Work Map: Austin TX to Orlando FL Segment - Google Hybrid and Terrain Maps
The Summary (short version, and in no particular order, which I may add to and.or alter as time goes on)
- Maybe reconsider doing this in the the summer months.
- Bring rain gear, tide pods, and $20 in quarters to do laundry... and do laundry as soon as you get to the hotel every few days.
- Use very light long sleeve shirts to ride keeping the sun off you... if you must go short sleeve - sunscreen in your friend.
- It's OK to over pack socks a little extra, headbands and underwear.. A pair of good sneakers is also advisable.
- You may not have athlete's foot, but bring athlete's foot powder.
- Limit caffeine, and drink water often, especially at every stop, Powerade Zero's, Gatorade light (G2's) are good once in a while.
- Ride as early as you can when it's not too hot in the summer months.
- Don't over-run your body, the minute there's any fatigue or lag in your ability to make good and positive judgement - STOP and REST!
- Take colder than normal showers in between the wash/dry cycle of laundry regulate your body temperature and prepare of sleep.
- Free hotel breakfast where they have the 1oz peanut butter pods are an awesome way to fight hunger pangs while on the road.
- Sustainable protein and complex carbs are best for the bike if you can handle these foods (nuts, oatmeal, jerky, and those 1oz PB pods).
- Don't workout while on the road, but to try to walk and stretch as much as possible... unless you aren't riding at all for a particular day.
- Limit your riding to 14 total hours of possible operation, including breaks 6am - 8pm or 7am - 9pm should do it... and use Google Maps to gauge it, considering traffic, speed limit, and road types. Some days that means no more than 300 miles, other days it can be as many as 600 miles.