Compression Software
For starters, you're computer must be able to handle compressed files or be easily and readily able to handle files that are pre-compressed using Windows compression or PKZIP compression. These utilities group files and folders together and deflated the whitespace, making them much smaller. Videos, songs and deep resolution files (like CAD and Xray files) will not compress down very well, but installation packages can compress down well. As such, when you download these utilities, you will need the compression software to uncompress these packages before you can install and later use them.
ID3 Tag Editing Software (Site may have an up-to-date version number)

There is a program called MP3TAG that was developed by someone from Germany and has support for multiple languages. This particular program allows you to download a live executable file. Once the download completes, I go to my downloads directory to perform a virus scan. Then I create a folder for the package I just received (it helps me organize my content). Finally, I cut/paste the entire download into a sub-directory dedicated to software packages I download from the internet (I use C:\SWD on my old laptop). The most current version as of 25-MAY-2015 is 2.70.
Click here to go to the hosted MP3TAG download page.
Click here to go to the hosted MP3TAG download page.
CD/DVD Burner Software (Site may have an up-to-date version number)

There is a second key program called IMGBURN which can create CD and DVD images with your CD-R / CD-RW / DVD-R / DVD-RW disc drive. The key here is to get to the right section on their website to download the right thing. Their website is relatively ugly and filled with Google advertisements to download other things all over the place. Hit the wrong thing and you will get undesired results - hence the importance of having a working, active copy of anti-virus software. Look for text on the page that clearly states a series of mirrors where you can actually download their software. There will be 7 official sites. Pick the one that is hosted by ImgBurn (the company) themselves. The most current version as of 25-MAY-2015 is 2.5.8.
Click here to go to the hosted IMGBURN download page.
Click here to go to the hosted IMGBURN download page.